Valerie Burns
Exercising is usually associated with the bebnefits of physical enhancement in the way of cardioasular and muscular strength improvements. Therefore leading to the betterment of physical appearance. Itis also widely accepted that the immense benefits include the protection against many diseases like many cancers, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, arthritis, obesity, immune disorders, to name but a few.
However, it is more recently asknowledged by many medical professionals, that the positive effect upon the brain, is extremely significant. Exercise not only supplies the brain cells with a good supply of blood to nourish the brain cells, but also protects our nerve structure supplying messages to the brain. The positive effect of our neural muscular stimulation is enhanced, by the physical as well as the mental stimulation of exercise.
It is therefore appreciated that with sufficient activity, we can greatly reduce our potential to succumb to dementia and alzhiemers disease.
It is therefore appreciated that with sufficient activity, we can reduce our liklehood of succming to dementia and alzheimers disease.
It has always been accepted that exercise of any kind, helps to promote a healthy body physically.
However, in more recent times, more emphasis has been applied to a healthy brain. Keeping active is probably as important for our mental well being, as it is for our physical one.
The medical profession is understanding more about how physical activity interacts with the brain stimulation, due to an enriched blood flow to the brain cells, during exercise. also protecting nerve cells from damage, thereby assisting neural muscular stimulation.
This means that we can afford ourselves a means of protecting our brain from decline, in the way of dementia and alzheimer’s disease. Additionally, exercise can help with our concentration levels, reduce stress, anxiety and depression.
There are many other cognitive ways of helping brain function, but it is useful to know that exercise plays the most significant role.
It should be remembered that brain health is only one of the many attributes that exercise has to offer.
Activity and moderate exercise, has been linked to improved brain activity. The latest research being conducted on he reasons why alzheimer’s appears to be on the increase, has been linked to low levels of exercise, among other reasons, concerning our diet and lifestyle. . It appears that exercise helps to promote a good blood and oxygen supply to the brain, as well as good hormonal production. The message is – keeping active at any age, can stimulate memory, concentration and alertness, as well as a host of other health related benefits.
All exercise is beneficial, but regular moderate to higher intensity activity, can yield improved results, over a period of time.
Every day, headline newspaper reports, have the same message – Take responsibility for your own health, in order to prevent many diseases, including cancer.
We have the power to implement this it’s not that difficult. A healthy diet, excluding excess alcohol and smoking, with sufficient exercise. Those are the simple measures we can take to safeguard our health.
Don’t wit until tomorrow if you know you are vulnerable.
I can try to motivate you if you want to sample one of my exercise classes.
Walking for just 30 minutes a day can boost the chances of beating cancer by almost half, new research shows
Separate studies involving breast and bowel cancer patients found that regular exercise had a huge impact on survival
Patients who did 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a week and ate healthily were 42 percent less likely to die. They also lived longer if the cancer returned.
Many doctors and health professionals, now believe that the best medicine for a long and healthy life, is not drug but exercise based.
There is no better way of improving your health and recovery from ill health, than to set aside time to exercise The effects seem to be more potent than drugs and without the negative side effects, that inevitably occur with medicinal drugs.
These rmarkable well being effects, are not just limited to the physical improvements but to mental enhancement too. This can be identified by improved brain function, alertnss, heightened concentration levels and increased motivation etc .
It is important to remember that good physical fitness anbd strength, is attributed to a decreased risk of diseases such as many cancers, diabetes, heart and lung disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, depression, anxiety, alzheimers and much more An improved immune and endocrine system is also a by-product.
The immense benefits cannot be emphasised enough. There is no tme to waste if you feel that your physical attainment is too low. All and any exercise is postive. The important aspect is to get off of your chair and move around as frequently as you are able, and make the time, even if you are leading a hectic lifestyle.
One of these women is 26, another is 56 and a third is Kate Moss……so which is which? After her appearance on the Louis Vuitton catwalk in Paris last week, many were left wondering whether Kate Moss’s love of partying had finally caught up with her. For it seems that even supermodels can’t escape the effects of gravity or the curse of cellulite.
Femail asked five women aged between 26 and 56 to recreate 37 year old Kates provocative pose, hotpants and all. So how do they shape up against Miss Moss and what are the secrets of keeping a shapely derriere?
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