About the Pilates Method.
The Pilates method is a series of exercises designed in order to achieve strength coordination, flexibility and endurance using the body efficiently, respecting its anatomy and utilizing the breath as a tool for movement. The results and benefits of the Pilates method are long lean muscles, core strengthening, improved over-all posture and body awareness.
In the long term pilates can prevent injury and anatomical imbalances, due to correct alignment of the spine, and strengthening and elongation of muscles and ligaments, and can also be a beneficial tool for injury rehabilitation.
The classes are beneficial to people of all ages and ability levels. Almost immediate results can be noticed by way of improved movement, ease of performing physical tasks, improved breathing, and a sense of general well-being. There are many un-seen benefits such as disease prevention, namely, heart and lung disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis, some cancers and immune deficiency illnesses.
Why does Pilates help improve my posture?
Through the exercises of pilates, you will learn how to strengthen external superficial muscles, as well as the deeper internal core ones, which act as stabilizers to bone and tissue. Through this kind of efficient and intelligent exercise, you will be able to improve spinal and abdominal function, and remove strain and tension from your musculature. This will create a balanced and structured framework in order to stabilize, and safe guard the trunk and decompress the vertebrae, thereby allowing efficiency of nerve connection to all the organs.
In conclusion, a good spinal alignment with improved muscle strength and support, can hugely benefit posture, freedom of movement, lung function, health and well-being